150 bible trivia questions: Test your knowledge

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Reading Time
11 min read
Publish Date
Jul 31, 2024
150 bible trivia questions: Test your knowledge

If you're looking to challenge your knowledge of the Bible or simply have some fun with friends and family, Bible trivia is a great way to do it. Here, we've compiled a list of 150 questions that cover various aspects of the Bible. From easy to difficult, these questions will test your memory and understanding of the scriptures.

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Old Testament trivia questions

strongest man in the bible
  1. Who was the first man created by God?
    • Adam
  2. Who was the first woman created by God?
    • Eve
  3. Which tree were Adam and Eve forbidden to eat from in the Garden of Eden?
    • The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
  4. How many sons did Jacob have?
    • Twelve
  5. What was the name of Moses' sister?
    • Miriam
  6. Which book comes first in the Old Testament?
    • Genesis
  7. Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses' death?
    • Joshua
  8. How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
    • Ten
  9. Who was the strongest man in the Bible?
    • Samson
  10. Who was swallowed by a great fish?
    • Jonah
  11. What was the name of Abraham's first son?
    • Ishmael
  12. Who was the mother of Samuel?
    • Hannah
  13. What did God create on the first day?
    • Light
  14. How long did it rain during the great flood?
    • Forty days and forty nights
  15. Who received the Ten Commandments from God?
    • Moses
  16. Which city did God destroy because of its wickedness?
    • Sodom and Gomorrah
  17. Who was thrown into a den of lions?
    • Daniel
  18. Who built an ark to survive the flood?
    • Noah
  19. What was King Solomon known for?
    • Wisdom
  20. Who was the last judge of Israel?
    • Samuel

New Testament trivia questions

beloved disciple
  1. Who was the mother of Jesus?
  • Mary
  1. Who baptized Jesus?
  • John the Baptist
  1. How many disciples did Jesus have?
  • Twelve
  1. Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
  • Judas Iscariot
  1. Who was the first Christian martyr?
  • Stephen
  1. Which apostle was a tax collector before following Jesus?
  • Matthew
  1. What was the first miracle Jesus performed?
  • Turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana
  1. Who wrote the majority of the New Testament letters?
  • Paul
  1. Where was Jesus born?
  • Bethlehem
  1. Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to be crucified?
    • Pontius Pilate
  2. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
    • "Jesus wept." (John 11:35)
  3. Who climbed a tree to see Jesus?
    • Zacchaeus
  4. Who was the first person to see Jesus after His resurrection?
    • Mary Magdalene
  5. Which book of the New Testament is known as the book of prophecy?
    • Revelation
  6. What is the last book of the New Testament?
    • Revelation
  7. Who was known as the "beloved disciple"?
    • John
  8. Which New Testament book tells the story of the early church?
    • Acts
  9. Who was the first Gentile convert to Christianity?
    • Cornelius
  10. Who wrote the book of Revelation?
    • John
  11. Which apostle doubted Jesus' resurrection until he saw Him?
    • Thomas

General Bible knowledge questions

prophet in whirlwind
  1. What is the longest book in the Bible?
  • Psalms
  1. How many books are in the Bible?
  • Sixty-six
  1. What is the first commandment?
  • "You shall have no other gods before me."
  1. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
  • Moses
  1. What did God create on the seventh day?
  • He rested
  1. Who was the wisest king of Israel?
  • Solomon
  1. Who was the father of King David?
  • Jesse
  1. What is the longest psalm?
  • Psalm 119
  1. How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness?
  • Forty
  1. Who was the first king of Israel?
    • Saul
  2. Who interpreted dreams for Pharaoh in Egypt?
    • Joseph
  3. Which prophet was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind?
    • Elijah
  4. What is the greatest commandment according to Jesus?
    • "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."
  5. Who was the Roman centurion who recognized Jesus as the Son of God?
    • The centurion at the crucifixion
  6. Who wrote the Psalms?
    • David (primarily, but also others)
  7. Which prophet foretold the coming of Jesus?
    • Isaiah
  8. What was the name of the garden where Jesus prayed before His arrest?
    • Gethsemane
  9. Who was thrown into a fiery furnace but was not burned?
    • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
  10. How many times did Peter deny Jesus?
    • Three
  11. What is the Golden Rule?
    • "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Old Testament figures

king who asked for wisdom
  1. Who was the first king of Israel?
  • Saul
  1. Who was the wife of Isaac?
  • Rebekah
  1. Who was sold into slavery by his brothers?
  • Joseph
  1. What was the name of the giant slain by David?
  • Goliath
  1. Who was the mother of Ishmael?
  • Hagar
  1. What was the name of Moses' wife?
  • Zipporah
  1. Who succeeded Moses as the leader of Israel?
  • Joshua
  1. Who was the father of King Solomon?
  • David
  1. Who was David's best friend?
  • Jonathan
  1. Who was the queen who saved her people from destruction?
    • Esther
  2. Who was the prophet who confronted King Ahab?
    • Elijah
  3. Who was the mother of Samuel?
    • Hannah
  4. Who was the king who asked for wisdom?
    • Solomon
  5. Who was the Babylonian king who had dreams interpreted by Daniel?
    • Nebuchadnezzar
  6. Who was the high priest during the time of Samuel?
    • Eli
  7. Who led the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem?
    • Nehemiah
  8. Who was the Moabite woman who became an ancestor of David?
    • Ruth
  9. Who was the prophet who was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire?
    • Elijah
  10. Who was the king of Babylon who conquered Jerusalem?
    • Nebuchadnezzar
  11. Who was the judge who defeated the Midianites with 300 men?
    • Gideon

New Testament figures

first martyr
  1. Who was the apostle known for his doubt?
  • Thomas
  1. Who was the apostle known for his zeal?
  • Simon the Zealot
  1. Who was the physician who wrote one of the Gospels?
  • Luke
  1. Who was the apostle who denied Jesus three times?
  • Peter
  1. Who was the apostle who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
  • Judas Iscariot
  1. Who was the Roman centurion who had faith in Jesus' healing power?
  • The centurion in Capernaum
  1. Who was the tax collector who became an apostle?
  • Matthew
  1. Who was the apostle known for his letters to the early churches?
  • Paul
  1. Who was the first martyr of the Christian church?
  • Stephen
  1. Who was the ruler who sentenced Jesus to be crucified?
    • Pontius Pilate
  2. Who was the young man who accompanied Paul on his missionary journeys?
    • Timothy
  3. Who was the husband of Priscilla, who worked with Paul?
    • Aquila
  4. Who was the Roman governor who heard Paul's defense?
    • Felix
  5. Who was the Jewish teacher who advised caution in dealing with the apostles?
    • Gamaliel
  6. Who was the brother of Jesus who wrote a New Testament letter?
    • James
  7. Who was the Ethiopian official baptized by Philip?
    • The Ethiopian eunuch
  8. Who was the woman from whom Jesus cast out seven demons?
    • Mary Magdalene
  9. Who was the Roman centurion who became a believer after witnessing Jesus' death?
    • The centurion at the crucifixion
  10. Who was the leader of the Jerusalem church?
    • James
  11. Who was the man healed by Peter and John at the temple gate?
    • The lame man

Bible places

daniel in lions den
  1. Where was Jesus crucified?
  • Golgotha
  1. Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
  • Mount Sinai
  1. Where did Jonah try to flee from God's command?
  • Tarshish
  1. Where did Jesus grow up?
  • Nazareth
  1. Where was Paul when he wrote many of his letters?
  • Prison
  1. Where did Elijah challenge the prophets of Baal?
  • Mount Carmel
  1. Where did Jesus turn water into wine?
  • Cana
  1. Where was Jesus baptized?
  • The Jordan River
  1. Where did the Israelites wander for 40 years?
  • The desert/wilderness
  1. Where did Abraham almost sacrifice his son Isaac?
  • Mount Moriah
  1. Where was Daniel thrown into the lions' den?
  • Babylon
  1. Where did Jacob dream of a ladder reaching to heaven?
  • Bethel
  1. Where was the Ark of the Covenant kept?
  • The Tabernacle (and later the Temple)
  1. Where was Saul when he was converted to Christianity?
  • The road to Damascus
  1. Where did Jesus pray before His arrest?
  • The Garden of Gethsemane
  1. Where was the Apostle John exiled?
  • The island of Patmos
  1. Where did Philip baptize the Ethiopian eunuch?
  • On the road to Gaza
  1. Where did Peter have his vision of the unclean animals?
  • Joppa
  1. Where did Jesus feed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish?
  • Near the Sea of Galilee
  1. Where did the wise men come from to see baby Jesus?
  • The East

Bible books and their themes

early church
  1. Which book tells the story of creation?
  • Genesis
  1. Which book contains the Ten Commandments?
  • Exodus
  1. Which book tells the story of the Exodus?
  • Exodus
  1. Which book is a collection of songs and prayers?
  • Psalms
  1. Which book tells the story of Israel's judges?
  • Judges
  1. Which book tells the story of the rise and fall of Saul and David?
  • 1 Samuel
  1. Which book contains wisdom sayings and proverbs?
  • Proverbs
  1. Which book tells the story of a faithful Moabite woman?
  • Ruth
  1. Which book prophesies the coming of the Messiah?
  • Isaiah
  1. Which book tells the story of the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls?
  • Nehemiah
  1. Which Gospel is written by a tax collector?
  • Matthew
  1. Which Gospel is the shortest?
  • Mark
  1. Which book tells the story of the early church?
  • Acts
  1. Which letter emphasizes faith without works is dead?
  • James
  1. Which letter contains the fruit of the Spirit?
  • Galatians
  1. Which book is written to a church in Rome?
  • Romans
  1. Which letter addresses a runaway slave?
  • Philemon
  1. Which book describes the end times and Jesus' return?
  • Revelation
  1. Which book is written to Jewish Christians?
  • Hebrews
  1. Which Gospel is known for its detailed parables?
  • Luke

Bible events and miracles

jesus first miracle
  1. What event marked the beginning of Jesus' public ministry?
  • His baptism by John the Baptist
  1. What miracle did Jesus perform at a wedding in Cana?
  • Turning water into wine
  1. What was Jesus' first miracle?
  • Turning water into wine at Cana
  1. What did Jesus do to a fig tree that had no fruit?
  • He cursed it, and it withered
  1. What miracle did Jesus perform with five loaves and two fish?
  • Feeding 5,000 people
  1. What did Jesus do when He saw the money changers in the temple?
  • He overturned their tables and drove them out
  1. What was the miraculous birth announced to Mary by an angel?
  • The birth of Jesus
  1. What event is celebrated on Palm Sunday?
  • Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem
  1. What miracle occurred at the tomb of Lazarus?
  • Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead
  1. What was the miraculous event that happened when Jesus was baptized?
  • The heavens opened, and the Spirit of God descended like a dove

How to use Bible trivia as bingo

Combining Bible trivia with bingo is a fun and engaging way to learn more about the scriptures while enjoying a classic game. Here's how you can do it:

Step-by-step guide to creating Bible trivia bingo

1. Gather your questions and answers Start by selecting questions from the list above. Make sure to cover various categories to keep the game interesting and educational.

2. Create your bingo cards Use our bingo card generator to design your bingo cards. Instead of traditional numbers, fill the squares with answers from your trivia questions. For example, one square might say "Moses" and another "Bethlehem."

3. Distribute the bingo cards Print out the bingo cards or share them online if you're hosting a virtual game. With Bingo Card Creator, you can create and distribute unlimited customized cards, making it easy to accommodate any group size.

4. Play the game Read out the trivia questions one by one. Players will mark the corresponding answers on their bingo cards. For example, if you ask "Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?" players will mark "Moses" if they have it on their card.

5. Winning the game Just like traditional bingo, the goal is to complete a row, column, or diagonal line. The first player to do so calls out "Bingo!" and wins a prize.

Tips for a successful game

  • Mix it up: Include a variety of easy, medium, and hard questions to keep everyone engaged.
  • Theme your event: Encourage players to dress up as their favorite biblical characters or decorate the space with Bible-themed items.
  • Use online tools: If you're playing remotely, take advantage of Bingo Card Creator's online game hosting capabilities, which can manage up to 2000 players effortlessly.

By following these steps, you'll create an interactive and educational experience that combines the thrill of bingo with the knowledge of Bible trivia. It's a great way to bring people together and deepen their understanding of the scriptures while having fun.

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